This afternoon

Well, I did manage to get home after all! I headed off at about 4:00 I think, a little bit later than I was planning to! I was just chatting down in the chaplaincy for a while. It’s kinda weird, having to say my summer goodbyes to people already. I’m just really not looking forward to next year — not just having to say goodbye to people over the summer, but having to say goodbye to some people for, well… perhaps life!

That’s it! I’m just going to pretend it doesn’t exist for the time being… I scanned in those photos earlier, all I have to do is just edit them a little bit and upload them. I’ll post when they’re all ready.

I went out to the DJ workshops this evening. That may well be my last time unless I go again before it closes in mid-july. They might go on next year, but if they do it will be with a different guy (Rich, the head person, is leaving for London this summer and although he’ll probably be back he won’t be able to do the workshops).

I had a note through the door from our landlord today, basically saying that he came here to work on the house thinking that everybody had tidied up and left (apart from a couple of people who still have to pick up their stuff from their rooms). He was a bit surprised to find someone obviously living here (i.e., me) and said that the place should be tidied up before we or I go! I agree with him, but he should fear not — it will be tidy by the time I leave!

Right, I think that’s just about it. I might post again a bit later on…


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