Well, this hasn’t been a bad weekend

But I’ll just tell you about last night in particular. The CU booked a society night in Mondo, and decided to have it as a 90s night. It was really very good! Me and Andy C DJd. It was great fun — probably one of the all-round best nights I’ve had here! Everyone was enjoying themselves and, best of all, we managed to almost pack out Mondo which is quite an achievement, given that it was a Sunday night during exam time!

So yes, that was good. On Saturday, I went out shopping and bought a few new bits. I can’t remember whether I’ve already said that. So I’ll stop there.

I have my last exam tomorrow! Good ol’ Computer Vision. It’s going to be a really weird feeling — this time tomorrow, I will have done everything for my degree. Apart from graduating, that will be it. Nothing else. Scary or what?!

Still, I think I’ll be glad to have finished exams and university work in general… I was getting tired of the assignment / exam cycle, and if I had to do any more revision I think I’d go crazy…

Anyway, that’s it from me today. Later…


2 responses to “Well, this hasn’t been a bad weekend”

  1. […] some bizarre reason I was thinking about the CU 90s Night today. It just occured to me that if the CU – or anyone else – were ever to do another 90s night, […]

  2. Cousin Daniel avatar
    Cousin Daniel

    Hey Phillip.
    Doreen told me that you had a blog.
    Hope you enjoyed the easter break.

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