I think it’s time for a re-design…

I think it’s time for a re-design. I’m getting a bit bored of this one. What I was thinking of doing is creating a content management system whereby all of the sections on the website are a sort of ‘blog’, and I can just update each category online. It’s crazy, but it just might work!

Having said that, it does sound like… well, too much work. Maybe just a re-design, if you’re lucky.

Anyway, I’ve got the comments sytem working now (yay), so feel free to leave comments as you wish. But if you leave anything negative I reserve the right to edit them and make you sound like an idiot. Not really, but I do have the power to delete comments I don’t like, so make them constructive! 😉

I think that’s about it. See you later, siblings…


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