So, what’s been happening?

Apologies for not updating the past week. Last Wednesday, I went down to Petts Wood to stay with Philippa. The reason was (well, not that I need a reason to see her, but the reason I went down this particular week) was because Sarah and Jon were getting married on the Friday (20th August).

So, yes – it was great. I really enjoyed the day; it was a lovely service and it was great at the reception to be able to catch up with people! There were lots of people there from university, so I knew quite a few people. We drove from Petts Wood to Wokingham, to my Aunt’s house. Although we were only driving in Phil’s little Metro we managed to get there safely and without incident! Ditto the way back. Um, yes.

But I would like to say, congratulations to Jon + Sarah, and I wish them all the best for the future! As they’re in Colchester next year I’m sure that I’ll see them again quite soon. Incidentally, if you want to see some photos of the day they are on then they are on the photographer’s website [Warning: you may find the background music annoying and you can’t turn it off. So don’t blame me for not warning you.]

I think that’s about it for now; I had a call from an IT agency today about work. Hopefully I’ll have some more positive news about that soon!

Oh, one more thing: I got a new computer keyboard for my birthday last week (thanks Phil!). It’s really cool – it’s luminescent! Check it out on ThinkGeek. The only trouble I’ve had with it so far is that it’s different to my previous keyboard, meaning that it’s just strange. (Yeah, I know, nothing wrong with the keyboard – just me getting used to it.) Oh, and it’s the American keyboard layout, but seeing as that’s virtually the same as the British keyboard layout I don’t think that’s muchof a problem. I know where pretty much everything is anyway. Right, I think that’s about it. Again.

Talk to you later, folks…


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