Busy Weekend!

Well, it turned out to be quite a busy weekend! I went to Phil’s and got there OK on Friday afternoon. In the evening we just went to the pub with a few of her friends.

Saturday morning, we headed into London to meet up with people at Victoria station. There were ten of us in the end, all from Essex (or, in the case of me and Kev, ex-Essex). It was a good day. We spent it wandering around the South Bank, then Covent Garden / Leicester Square, and went to Harrods! I had an interesting experience: I played Coldplay on an extremely expensive (about £50,000) grand piano in Harrods 🙂

Anyway, we had dinner at pizza hut, then went to a bar and then home. That was quite a long and tiring day! But enjoyable.

And then yesterday, it was Phil’s cousin (I think)? Anyway, it was his 40th birthday, so there was a party for him and I attended! And I met quite a few of Phil’s more extended family. It was a good day! Although the journey back was quite gruelling… the M25 was jammed solid! In the end we turned off onto the A10 and went through Tottenham. London was pretty busy too, but don’t really think we lost much time going that way – if anything it was slightly quicker. It still took about three hours to get back though! Still.

So, I’m home now, and that brings us up to date… by the way, there are some pictures of Sarah and Jon’s wedding on Matthew’s website. There are also various other photos there, including some ones of me (I apologise in advance).

Ok then chaps and chapesses, I’ll update again when I next have some news (could be some time…)


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