… absolutely knackered would probably express it better. I’ll explain about my weekend. On Friday morning, I got up relatively early to get the train to Colchester. I wanted to be at the CU Prayer & Praise Fresher’s event which was happening on campus at 11:00. Anyway. After that, I had lunch on campus (another one of the CU’s free food events!), and then went round to Claremont Road with Alex. That evening, Philippa came round for dinner (although it’s not actually my house, Alex kindly said it would be OK and we had some fajitas)… then we watched the ‘Beastmaster’. It’s a really, really cheesy old 80s fantasy film, it’s terrible… it was great fun! Readers with exceptional memories and a keen eye for detail will probably find that I mentioned this once before on my blog. But I can’t be bothered to do a search and find the link, so I won’t.
Anyway. I stayed the night at Claremont Road, and then in the morning went onto campus for Fresher’s fair. It was good, I saw quite a lot of people to catch up with! At about 3:30, my parents arrived to take Philippa and I to Kent, where we had a family party to go to. My cousin Mel was holding a party for the Sacre family. It was good fun! They had a lovely dinner, followed by some karaoke… me and Philippa sang a couple of songs — ‘Any Dream Will Do’ and then a bit later ‘Roll With It’ by Oasis! Note to self: Oasis went down pretty well at karaoke — must remember that for next time…
So we didn’t get back home to Ipswich until about 12:30 this morning! It was a good time though, well worth it. This morning we went to Church, and this afternoon I took Philippa back to Colchester. We didn’t do much in the afternoon (I set up Philippa’s computer for MSN, so if anyone wants her MSN address then let me know and I’ll get it for you). In the evening we went round to see Alex et al again, and we watched ‘Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow’. It was actually a very good film, I highly recommend it if you like action-y sci-fi kind of films! Beautifully shot as well.
Ok then, I think that’s just about it for now. Goodnight!
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