The Weekend

Just another ‘the weekend’ post ๐Ÿ™‚ I did go to Ikea on Saturday, and picked up some nice furniture – quite cheap, too! Travelling there wasn’t too bad until you actually got into Lakeside, it wasn’t so much that it was busy – it was just knowing which exit to take on various roundabouts! Still, we got there OK.

I managed to get a chest of drawers, a wardrobe, a bedside table, and a couple of shelving units. Out of those, I took the chest of drawers and the bedside table back to Colchester with me and actually managed to put them up! They look quite good, I have to say ๐Ÿ™‚ The wardrobe and shelving units will be arriving today, in fact probably already have arrived at home.

Anyway. I’m getting the new car on Wednesday, Paul needs the car for getting into college tomorrow but I’ll be able to pick the car up on Wednesday evening ๐Ÿ™‚ Whcih will be cool. Also will give me the opportunity to take a few more things over to the flat before moving in.

Um, don’t think there’s much else to say at the moment, so I’ll leave it there…


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