The Weekend

Well, after a rather depressing week last week (or at least, the second half), I had a good weekend! On Friday evening, Philippa came round for dinner and we just spent the evening practising some music for Sunday morning (as we were helping with the music at the chaplaincy) and relaxing.

On Saturday, we went down to London with my parents so we could all meet up with Philippa’s parents and talk about the wedding next year. It was good, we were able to see the church and the place where we’re going to have the reception… it was quite exciting!

We got back and were quite tired, so decided to watch a film. Yesterday, we went to the chaplaincy service in the morning, and in the evening we went into Wivenhoe to have a drink at the Rose & Crown, and then back to mine and watched a DVD.

Philippa is now living on campus for the summer, so we were able to walk along the Wivenhoe Trail – it was really nice!

Anyway, that’s all for now…


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