Back on the net!

Well, I’m back on the net ๐Ÿ™‚ And, that’s the perfect lead into writing what I’ve been up to!

Here’s a brief recap of last week:

Saturday – went down to Philippa’s
Sunday – met up with Foz, went to see the place the wedding reception’s going to be (as Foz is DJing and providing the equipment)
Monday – did some more wedding preparation, like meeting up with the rector of the church we’re getting married in
Tuesday – Went to find the place we’re going to the weekend after the wedding – the village was lovely!
Wednesday – Met up with Phil P in London for lunch, went to an Essex graduate reunion in the evening (see if you can spot me on the photos page!).
Thursday – didn’t do much
Friday – got my car serviced in the morning, went to see “The Importance of Being Earnest” at the Mercury Theatre with a couple of friends from church in the evening (it was fantastic!)

Saturday and Sunday again, didn’t do much – just the usual (boring) stuff! Yesterday evening, we went to Alex’s and watched Peter Kay Live at the Bolton Albert Hall. Oh, we also went for a walk and took some photos (earlier in the day) – I’ll upload them and post them up here! The good ones, anyway.

And… that’s all from me!


2 responses to “Back on the net!”

  1. So my companies boring is it? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Um, I didn’t quite mean it to read like that – I meant “boring for people to read about”, not “boring for me personally”! ๐Ÿ™‚

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