I’m fed up with political parties. The reason? Well, a couple really. They seem to spend all their time playing “tit for tat”, rather than wanting what is actually best for the country. Just look at the last election campaign. I don’t think that’s really the best way to decide what is best for the country!
The other thing is, they seem to discourage open and frank discussion. If a member of a party doesn’t agree with something the party does (and comment about it openly) then they’re at risk of being fired from the party (or something like that). Witness the octogenerian man who was thrown out of the labour party conference ๐
No, I think that the modern world has moved into a situation where political parties themselves are less relevant than they used to be. What I mean is, in the past people would align themselves with the particular ideology of a political party. If you agreed with Convervative ideals, you’d vote for the tory party. Likewise with labour, etc. Everyone know where they stood. But these days the lines are distinctly blurred. It’s not so easy to separate out those ideals. In fact, it’s almost downright impossible. I might like a combination of policies from labour, from the tory party, and from the lib dems.
So, my suggestion would be – split the parties up into various departments, and let the voters vote for those particular departments / people they agree with, rather than an entire party. That way, rather than playing tit for tat about ideologies they might start working together (for a change) for the good of the country!
Yes, OK, so you people who know about politics are going to say that would be the end of civilisation as we know it. I don’t think I’d miss it, to be honest :p
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