I’m Back!

Hello loyal blog-readers! I am now back — I hope you didn’t miss me ๐Ÿ™‚ So, what have I been up to the past few days?

Well. On Saturday, I got married! It was a really lovely day. I would like to thank anybody reading this who came along for making it such a special day – everyone said to me how much they’d enjoyed it, and that made it all worthwhile! It was so good to see everyone, and lovely to see so many of our friends there. There are some photos up already if you’d like to take a look. Firstly, Foz has uploaded a few photos onto The Campus Crew Group. You might have to login / sign up in order to be able to see the photos. Secondly, Matthew has uploaded a few pictures onto his website, so do pop on over and have a look. Thirdly, Paul has emailed me a few pictures — if you’d like to see them then I can forward them on to you; I’m sure he wouldn’t mind! Just drop me a line ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyway. After the wedding, we went down to a place called Worples Field which is a little Bed and Breakfast place near Westerham in Kent. It was a really lovely place actually, and the setting was beautiful! We took a few photos while we were down there, and you can now see them online.

I think that’s just about everything for the time being. Hopefully soon we’ll have the proper wedding photos and I’ll be able to post those up, or at least the edited highlights!


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