The Weekend

Apologies for the previous rant, your normal blog service is now resumed. So, what have I been up to this weekend? Not much really. Unfortunately at the moment, the heat seems to be affecting my memory! On Friday evening, we went round to Alex and Chris’ new place in Wivenhoe, and then went down with Alex to the Bengal Spice to have a (really nice) curry. I can heartily recommend the Bengal Chicken Tikka Masala from there ๐Ÿ™‚ And afterwards we went down to the Rose & Crown for a drink.

I watched the England game on Saturday – bit of a disappointment, although I can’t say I’m surprised. Andy Murray though – that game was fantastic! I saw bits of it and then watched the end… I definitely think Britain has a future champion there — if Federer moves over (at the moment, Federer is an absolutely unstoppable, unflinching tennis machine whose sole objective is to destroy all those who would play against him. Not literally, of course). In the evening, we watched Doctor Who (it was a great episode – I think the next episode, last of the series, is going to be a great finale!).

Yesterday morning we went to church as per usual. In the afternoon I did some preparation for a home group study I’m leading this Thursday (we’re working our way through a book called “Growth Groups”, which is basically leader training for home groups. Most people have to lead a 20 minute short study during a session as practice). In the evening I had my woes installing Fedora Core (read about it below), and afterwards we rented a movie:

It was called “Flightplan” and was pretty good. It’s about a mother who ‘loses’ her daughter onboard a flight, and finds that no-one else believes she actually had her daughter onboard in the first place. It was very well written, and quite clever. I would recommend it if you like thrillers / suspense kind of films. (Not sure if that’s how it should be categorised, but oh well).

Anyway, um, I think that’s just about it.



One response to “The Weekend”

  1. […] Thought I’d continue the trend being set by Phill and do a ‘weekend‘ post. Not that I’m giving in to peer pressure or anything… […]

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