Housey News

I thought I’d probably better post up a quick note to say that Philippa and I have made an offer on a house, and it has been accepted ๐Ÿ™‚ We made an offer towards the end of last week, and it was accepted on Saturday. We are currently in the process now of dealing with the Estate Agents and the Solicitors, hopefully everything will be sorted out soon…

I have to say, I’m really looking forward to living in a house and not a flat! There are advantages to where we live at the moment (it’s a really convenient location, and it’s a fairly big flat) but living on the fifth floor does have its inconveniences – as does having to park bit of a walk away from where you live!

So yes, we’re looking forward to moving out. Just hoping and praying at the moment that everything goes through OK!


4 responses to “Housey News”

  1. Ooooh, new house! Exciting! And I take it this will be purchasing rather than renting? Very grown-up of you…

    Actually I was looking for flats to rent for Ellie and I next year, and there doesn’t seem to be much in Wivenhoe at the moment, which means we may have to look a little further afield after all.

    Anyway, hope your move goes smoothly. It has often been said that two of the most stressful things life can throw at you are getting married and moving house, and since you’ve successfully done the first of those I’m sure God will equally guide you both through the second!

  2. Congratulations, Phill, that’s fantastic news!

  3. I’m assuming it’s not the House of Ming … That’s great news – well done Phil(l)s!!! I really should come and visit all you Colchester people. Would also be nice to see the place again …

  4. Thanks Matthew, Simon and Joe!

    And Joe — no, it’s not the House of Ming, it’s actually the House of Not Ming! It’s a nice one. Maybe you can come down for the house warming party, assuming that everything goes well! Bring your lady with you ๐Ÿ˜‰

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