Weekend Update

Apologies for being rather lax this week and not posting up my regular “The Weekend” post until now! I’ve been rather busy … on Friday, we completed on our house purchase! For those of you unfamiliar with the house buying process, “exchanging contracts” means when you have committed to buying the house – “completing” means when the sellers have moved out and you have got the key. So, on Friday evening we went to have a look round our new house! And also to take one box of stuff round there (it’s a symbolic thing, just to have some of our stuff in the new house!). Apart from one or two minor things – mainly the cooker door being a bit broken – everything seems to be in order. We’re both really pleased!

On Saturday, we did quite a lot of packing – it’s a lot harder than it looks! Especially when you have lots of breakable stuff that needs moving.

On Sunday, we went to church in the morning, and then afterwards a couple of Phil’s friends from home (Julie and Dave) came round for lunch. It was really nice to see them, and also they were able to take my old speakers and amp back with them (they know a couple of people who are mobile DJs and will find them useful). We also managed to take them round to see our new house, so that was good as well 🙂

In the evening we did a bit more packing, and then had a well-earned break!

Yesterday we were doing some packing as well, and so on ad infinitum… (well, until Saturday anyway, when we’re moving!).


One response to “Weekend Update”

  1. […] has proven to be an exciting yet tiring experience (I’m not the only one moving, it seems – Phill and Phil recently finalised their contract and have a shiny new house to move into, but they’ve done it the scary way and got a […]

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