Another busy weekend

This weekend was busy again… no surprises there really! On Friday evening I was stripping wallpaper in our bedroom, and managed to get it finished! On Saturday, it was a matter of painting for most of the day, but in the evening we were able to go down to Wivenhoe to meet Alex, Elisa, Steve and Karen for fish and chips. Afterwards Steve & Karen headed off, but we stopped off at the Rose and Crown for a drink, which was rather nice. All in all, a very enjoyable evening!

On Sunday we went to church in the morning, and then in the afternoon Paul and Nic came round. We all had lunch together, and then had a wander round town. We stopped off at a new milkshake place on Eld Lane and each had a milkshake. They were absolutely fantastic – you could get milkshakes of all sorts of things, including most popular chocolate bars! I had a Double Decker milkshake, Paul had a Creme Egg milkshake, and Phil had a Terry’s Chocolate Orange milkshake. They were all lovely – if you’re in Colchester any time, check them out! It’s down the St Botolph’s end of Eld Lane, unfortunately I can’t remember the name of the place right now but it’s very pink, you shouldn’t have trouble finding it…

In the evening we went to Sunday @ 7 to hear Andy Saville speaking on “The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins. I think I’ll post up separately about that, so for now I’ll just say that it was good.

Afterwards we came back home and watched Top Gear, which was very funny as always! I can’t believe they managed to cross the channel in an amphibious truck… what a bunch of nutters! Still, makes great TV.


One response to “Another busy weekend”

  1. I had a Bounty milkshake at V – it was very good! I wonder if it was from the same company? Might have to find the pink shop when I’m in Colchester next week!

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