Ubuntu 8.04 – Hardy Heron

Well, Ubuntu 8.04 has been released, and I’ve just upgraded to it! There was one “gotcha” during the installation, which hopefully will help people if I blog about it:

Once I’d completed the upgrade (which I did via the usual update manager), the machine rebooted and came up with the login screen. I logged in normally, but then just came up with a blank screen and stayed there. When I say “blank screen” I mean a screen with the default Ubuntu colour as the background, and the mouse pointer was working, but nothing on the screen. I couldn’t even use Ctrl + Alt + F2 to get to a terminal login. (Having said that, I can’t now so it might be something to do with my setup).

Anyway, it turns out this is a fairly easy problem to fix!

  • Reboot the machine
  • When you get to the login prompt, select Options -> Select Session
  • Select the “Gnome Failsafe” session
  • Login as normal
  • Once you’re in, open up a terminal window and type in: sudo rm /tmp/.X0-lock

That seemed to fix the problems for me, but I will update if I encounter anything else.

Anyway, my first thoughts are that I like 8.04, although I’m not sure about the decision to include a beta version of Firefox as standard. Most of my extensions don’t work with Firefox 3 yet, so that means I’m stuck without a few extensions I like for the time being. This is my first experience with FF3 as well and it does seem quicker, but I will reserve final judgement until it actually gets a full release in a couple of months.


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