
I mentioned lolcode last month.

This month, I’ve found something which is possibly even worse. Prepare yourselves for… The Lolcat Bible!

Here are a few samples:

Nao faithz an hoepz an luvz r hear, theses threes, but teh bestest iz teh luv. srsly. [1 Corinthians 13:13]

n im telln u, cuz Ceiling Cat pwns, u shld giv him ur boddeez, cuz he liek dem, n dis way ur liek “Ceiling Cat pwns”, dats wut we do. dont b liek “l00k @ me im liek teh urthz im a n00b”, but b liek teh Transformers by recycling ur mind. den u cn do wut Ceiling Cat wants, cuz Ceiling Cat’s will is teh r0x0rz. [Romans 12:1-2]

So liek teh Ceiling Cat lieks teh ppl lots and he sez ‘Oh hai I givez u me only kitteh and ifs u beleevs in him u wont evr diez no moar, k? [John 3:16]

Words fail me.

They also have a “lolhymns” section:

Amayzin grase, how niec yu soundz
Yu saevded a bad kitteh liek me!
I wunse gets lost but nao ai fowndz!
oh hai, nao can ai see!

Please, somebody, stop this lolstuff madness!


2 responses to “Aaaarrrrrgggggghhhhh!!!!”

  1. Anne-Marie avatar

    “So liek teh Ceiling Cat lieks teh ppl lots and he sez ‘Oh hai I givez u me only kitteh and ifs u beleevs in him u wont evr diez no moar, k? [John 3:16]”

    Oh come on, this is hysterical, ‘u wont evr diez no moar, k?’ is surely inspired. Love the ‘k?’. Just a quick question, I’m presuming “Oh hai” is something like hey or hi.

  2. “Just a quick question, I’m presuming “Oh hai” is something like hey or hi.” That’s right. But it’s not just that… it’s pure evil!

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