Two Weddings and No Funerals

Such was the weekend for us! On Friday we went up to Cromer for Phil and Esther’s wedding. We travelled up by train, it took about two hours. We got there in plenty of time and had lunch at a little cafe near to the church. The service was at Cromer Parish Church – St Peter and St Paul’s. It was a really beautiful church, apparently it has the highest tower in the county! The service went really well and we very much enjoyed it.

The reception was held at a place in North Walsham. The meal was lovely and we had a good chat on our table, but unfortunately we couldn’t stay for the dancing afterwards because we had to catch a train. The journey back home was fairly uneventful!

On Saturday we got up bright and early for the journey out to Stroud, near Gloucester. Phil’s cousin Steve was getting married – it was only a registry office ceremony which we didn’t get to (it was quite early on in the day, and also they didn’t want to have loads of people there because of limited space), we just went to the reception afterwards.

I think the highlight of the afternoon for me was Mitch Benn: Steve is apparently a big fan of his, and emailed him on the off chance about doing a little gig at the wedding. Anyway, he came and did a 15 minutes set during the afternoon – some of his songs are absolutely hilarious! My favourite was probably the epic symphonic rock version of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”, but the Ikea song was also brilliant.

Aaaanyway. Nothing much else happened for the rest of the weekend, probably the only other thing that happened of note was watching “Silence in the Library” – this week’s Doctor Who, written by the newly-named successor to Russell T Davies, Steven Moffat. I thought it was a great episode – not surprisingly from Steven Moffat, probably one of the best so far in this series. In fact I would even venture to say that the second part will be better than the first, which is unusual for two-parters… but then I could be wrong! Can’t wait for next week…


4 responses to “Two Weddings and No Funerals”

  1. Mitch Benn at a wedding – sounds pretty good! Wish I could’ve been there… (and don’t worry your didn’t miss much dancing at P+E’s…)

  2. Your cousin-in-law had Mitch Benn at his wedding reception?!? That’s pretty cool!

  3. Yeah Mitch Benn was good 🙂 Apparently my cousin-in-law is a huge fan, has all his albums and has met him before. I’d quite like to get some of his albums now!

    I did wonder about P+E’s wedding because there didn’t appear to be much in the way of a sound system, but still… it was a really good day anyway!

  4. Anne-Marie avatar

    Mitch Benn! Way cool! I’ve got one of his albums if you’re interested in borrowing. It’s got the Hungry Caterpillar on it. In fact I was listening to that just yesterday because I suddenly had the line “and a piece of pie… a piece of cherry pie” in my head and it took a good 5 minutes to figure out where it was from, at which point I then had to have a little listen of it. My personal favourite is probably “Macbeth”, although the Don’t Cancel Doctor Who one and Be My Doctor Who Girl always make me smile.

    Mitch Benn’s blog is pretty entertaining, and I keep meaning to add the link to my blog. He’s named his new baby daughter Astrid!

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