Holiday Week 2

Last week was fairly uneventful! As I mentioned in my last post, we basically spent the week doing decorating our bedroom. We’d painted the walls last year, but the skirting boards were in dire need of painting (I don’t think they’d been painted in years), and we needed to tidy up a few things, i.e. some of the corners and the window ledge. So that’s what we did! It was a tougher job than it sounds because we had to move all the furniture around: unfortunately we couldn’t move everything out of the room because we just don’t have space!

Still, we managed to get it all done and the room looks great now. We did have a few distractions from decorating though, we went round to my parents’ on Thursday night to have dinner. At the weekend we managed to relax a bit more – on Saturday evening we went to the Royal Albert Hall to see prom 59: Rachmaninov’s 3rd Piano Concerto, Sibelius’ 1st Symphony and a new piece ‘Seht Die Sonne’ by Magnus Lindberg.

Without a doubt the Rachmaninov was my favourite piece of the evening – beautifully played by Nikolai Lugansky, and the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra. The Sibelius was also lovely, although I wasn’t too sure about the Lindberg piece. All told it was a good evening, despite not getting in until about 12:30AM!

On Sunday we went to church in the morning, and then in the afternoon went out for a walk around Wivenhoe. We took the riverside path towards Alresford, and managed to end up in Thorrington Scout Camp! The scout camp was where a few CU House Parties were held, quite memorable times. It was quite surprising to be there again because we hadn’t expected to go that far! (And Alex, if you’re reading this, if we ever have to walk from Wivenhoe to the Scout Camp again I’ll know the way. And it doesn’t require almost getting run over when walking through a quarry).

Afterwards we popped in to the Bengal Spice for a delicious curry, before heading back home.

Today it’s back to work as usual, so I’d better start doing some…


One response to “Holiday Week 2”

  1. Of course I’m reading! 😉

    I can’t think of why we would ever need to walk back to Thorrington, but shall now know I can do it safely.

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