Yesterday morning, we got up relatively early and took the train down to Orpington to pick up our new car. Everything went smoothly, we picked up the keys and transferred all the documents in about ten minutes, and then it was ours to drive back. Exciting stuff! We had lunch with Philippa’s parents, and then drove back home – stopping off to get our shop at Tollgate Sainsbury’s (that’s a rant for another day – it was a nightmare! So busy, ugh. Horrible. I’m glad I don’t have to shop there every week, or even every year come to think of it).
So, first things first, our previous car – the Hyundai Lantra – is now up for sale on eBay. I gave it a wash and vac this afternoon, not that it will make much difference! I don’t know whether anyone will be interested, but looking at the price of the other Lantras on offer (most of them are more expensive) I think we might be in with a shot with some bargain hunters.
And it feels ten times better to drive – everything is solidly built and well put together. It also has a few more features than the Hyundai did (which I suppose is not surprising given that Hyundais are budget cars): remote locking, alarm (not sure whether an alarm is a good thing but still), on board computer, climate control, and lots of other little niceties which demonstrate that Saabs are well designed, well thought out cars.
Aaaanyhoo, I’ll stop going on about it now – I just hope that it proves to be a reliable car to run!
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