Well, Easter is well and gone but for posterity I thought I would post a quick precis of what happened:
Saturday – didn’t actually do much
Sunday – Easter service in the morning. Had big dinner afterwards, necessarily followed by long walk. Watched “The Number One Ladies’ Detective Agency”. Determined to read the original books on strength of the TV series.
Monday – Went down to see Phil’s parents and sister. Had walk. Had dinner. Played games (all sorts). Good fun.
Tuesday – came back home.
So, that was a summary of our Easter.
Couple of other things to mention though. Today was spent doing decorating / gardening. Phil’s parents came up to help us decorate the bathroom (nearly done now), and make a border in our front garden. The front garden is now looking really good – having the border there transforms it. We put some bark down as well so hopefully that will help it to maintain the moisture and keep weeds out. At about 5:30ish my parents came round as well and we all had dinner together, we rarely get the chance to all eat together so that was really good.
One other thing – I read this article by Giles Fraser today. I can see the point he’s making, but I think he needs to read (or re-read) the “Cross and the Caricatures” article by N.T. Wright, and then “The Cross of Christ” by John Stott. Penal substitution is one thing, sacrifice is another! Let’s get our terms right. All in all, it just seems a rather late and unhelpful addition to a debate which hasn’t really gone anywhere. Although perhaps I shouldn’t moan about an article that appears on the Guardian website (it is for a popular audience after all…)
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