Mattress Troubles

Not new mattress troubles (although, for what it’s worth, the new mattress is very comfortable now).

The problem is with the old mattress. We don’t have a big enough car to take it to the rubbish tip – we’ve just had it in the spare room for the past few months. Anyway, we eventually got round to contacting the council, who provide a service where you pay for large items to be taken away. The agreement is that you pay the money, leave it out on the designated day, and then they will collect it. All fair enough and simple.

So, we left it out on Tuesday – by 7AM – and expected them to come and collect it. Except… they didn’t. We called up on Wednesday, and apparently it was “an oversight”. In other words, they forgot. In a normal week that would be inconvenient – they have promised to pick it up next Tuesday: we could have just brought it back in again and left it out next Tuesday. Unfortunately, the snow came down on Wednesday. If the mattress had been collected on Tuesday – when there was no snow – it would have been fine. But by Wednesday afternoon, it was covered in snow. Not much we can do about it.

So we’ve had to leave it out all week. I feel rather bad about leaving it out for the whole week – I think it’s been getting a few funny looks from our neighbours. But not much we can do about it ๐Ÿ™

Hopefully they will be able to come and collect it on Tuesday. OK, so that blog post had very little point, other than to make me feel better. But it worked in that respect, so it’s not all bad news ๐Ÿ˜‰


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