Birthday Happenings

Last Thursday it was Phil’s birthday. Her parents came up for the day (Phil had the day off), and then in the evening we all had dinner together. It was rather nice! The first of three birthday meals we’ve had over the past few days… but I’ll come onto that in a minute.

On Friday night we went to 21, as per usual. Then afterwards we headed over to the Three Horseshoes for a drink with Laura, Pete, AJ and Jen. It was cool to be able to spend time with them socially as we don’t usually have time, and we all get on well. So hopefully we’ll get to do it again soon!

On Saturday we spent the morning doing various random things in town. Then in the afternoon we went out for a walk round Castle Park with Jo and Evie. Jo had an ice cream, which I think was rather brave – although it was sunny it was still a bit chilly! We also saw the floor of the Roman house near to the Castle, which is fascinating. It’s the remains of a Roman house – just the flooring is left. It’s lasted pretty well given it’s about 1800 years old! And although we’ve been in Colchester for ages we’ve never seen it before for some strange reason. Afterwards we headed over to Ipswich to have dinner with my parents (birthday meal #2!) and enjoyed that.

Then on Sunday we went to church in the morning, and then out to the Yew Tree at Great Horkesley for lunch. We’ve been there a few times before. This time we had a “buy one main course get another free” voucher (you can get them if you sign up to the mailing list), so we had a relatively cheap and very tasty roast dinner! The service was a bit slow but they were very busy so I can forgive them for that.

Afterwards we headed out to Sunday@6, and then came back to see Jo and Evie for a bit. I played some more of Guitar Hero (Jo has a Wii, and it’s great fun. I wouldn’t like to get one though – I’d probably spend all my time on that rather than learning that actual guitar, which wouldn’t be good). And then we watched ‘Lark Rise to Candleford’, which was a nice gentle way to finish the weekend.

So, there you have it! Action-packed, as it were.


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