Well, it’s over. After watching this series pretty much obsessively for the past couple of months, Ashes to Ashes is finally finished. And what an ending. I’m not going to give anything away on this blog, but suffice it to say I was very happy. Some of “our” (read: Anne-Marie’s) theories were even correct! So that was quite satisfying 🙂 Afterwards we just sat around for an hour or so just discussing it, and a lot of things make sense now.
I will say this, though: it’s good to see a programme on TV which actually portrays things spiritual in a positive light. I wouldn’t be surprised if at least one of the writers of Life on Mars / Ashes to Ashes was a Christian. The battle between good and evil as portrayed in a very real way throughout the series, but it always felt like ‘bad’ was never going to win, even if it was present. It was never overwhelming, in contrast to other stories like ‘Lord of the Rings’. I just thought that was interesting anyway 🙂
Well, onto the actual weekend. Phil was away at her sister’s hen day from Saturday morning until Sunday afternoon, so I had Saturday on my own. I was able to do a bit of shopping and gardening, as well as sitting around in the garden drinking a beer and reading a book! All in all that was a good day. Then I went round to Anne-Marie and Sarah’s to watch Doctor Who. Anne-Marie wasn’t actually there (she was also away at a wedding), but Sarah and I had a good time watching DW, Clerks and then a couple of episodes of Flight of the Conchords.
I wasn’t too sure about Doctor Who this week – there were a few things about the episode that didn’t really make sense to me, and I don’t think the dialogue was quite as good as it has been in previous episodes. That said, it did grow on me a bit on second viewing, and I’m quite looking forward to watching the conclusion next week. This may well be the best thing Chris Chibnall has written for Nu-Who so far, although to be fair it didn’t have much competition…
Anyway, on Sunday I went to church in the morning. In the afternoon Phil got back, and then we went to church in the evening and played. Then we came back and watched Doctor Who again.
So there you have it, that’s my weekend! A fairly quiet one but very enjoyable.
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