Winding Down

This weekend was fairly relaxing, as weekends go, although I think we were both pretty tired: obviously needed a break!

On Friday night we had 21 as per usual. I was doing the talk, on Malachi 1. I think it went down well – I’m beginning to get to the stage where I find I don’t need my notes so much. I hardly used them at all on Friday night. I’m hoping that over time it will get to the point where I can do the same thing with a proper sermon, i.e. I’ll just be able to deliver it naturally without appearing to be reading from notes! Public speaking is harder than it looks, you know… but hopefully I’ll get there with practice!

Anyway, after 21 we came back home and watched “Ashes to Ashes” with Anne-Marie and Sarah. I’m on tenterhooks for the last episode now! Interesting how Anne-Marie’s theory about what happened to Sam seemed to be correct. I can’t wait for next week… I want it to be Friday already!

On Saturday we did some shopping in the morning, and in the afternoon we headed round to the church hall round the corner from us (St James the Less, the Catholic church) and met A-M and Sarah there. There was an event going on in aid of the A-Z Childrens Charity, with music and cake (two of my favourite things). After that we headed over to Wivenhoe to watch Doctor Who. This week’s episode did seem to divide people – I really liked it, in fact all four of us did, but apparently some people disagreed. The next two episodes will be interesting though – a two-parter written by Chris Chibnall. (Chibnall gave us the travesty that is the last episode of Torchwood series one. But he also wrote the first episode of series two, which I recall quite enjoying. So let’s hope it’s an upward trend…)

On Sunday we didn’t go to church in the morning! It was our week off so we enjoyed a lie-in. We did go round to Mike and Liz Neville’s for lunch though, with another couple from church, and had a very enjoyable afternoon there. Afterwards we went to Sunday@6, and then back home again and watched last week’s “Outnumbered”, which was very funny.

So there you have it! And Alex, now you know why we weren’t in for your call yesterday :p


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