Getting Quieter!

Well it’s that time of year again! The summer holidays are upon us … to an extent. Last Friday we had the last 21 of the term, which was basically a social and a goodbye party for Laura. It was her last youth club with us, which was sad, but at the same time she has a new job to look forward to which is good! Anyway I think it was a good send-off for her, and next year she’s only going to be in London so we will still get to see her 🙂

On Saturday we met up with Phil’s parents at Chappell Railway Station and had a look round the East Anglian Railway Museum. It wasn’t a huge place but it was very interesting – there are lots of trains and things being restored, and I enjoyed looking round the old station buildings! I have a couple of photos on my phone which I will upload when I get around to it. It’s well worth visiting anyway, if you’re into trains!

After that we came back home and had dinner with Phil’s parents, then they headed off and we wandered over to Anne-Marie and Sarah’s for a bit.

Sunday was a pretty ordinary Sunday for us – church in the morning, lunch / chilling in the afternoon, then another service in the evening! Things might change a bit over the summer though – as part of the ordination process the DDO has asked me to undertake a placement at St Andrews, Greenstead. It’s basically just an observation placement so I wouldn’t actually be involved as such, but it should be an interesting experience nonetheless.

Anyway. This week has been much quieter than the last few weeks, which I am very grateful for! We’ve had a chance just to chillout a bit and catch up with a few people. Right, that’s all for now. The weather is cooler now, which I’m very grateful for as I think the heat was beginning to drive me insane! Apologies if this blog still reads like it’s fairly insane, though…


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