Less Freezing

Well, it’s less freezing this week than it was last week! When I say “less freezing”, I basically mean we haven’t had any snow. Or at least, we had a little bit this morning but in general the temperature has been much higher. It was even sunny today!

Anyway, that means it’s the perfect time to talk about what we’ve been up to. On Friday night we weren’t out at 21, as per … um… not usual! It was cancelled because of the snow. Last Wednesday and Thursday I didn’t go into work because of the snow, so I think it was a good decision. Fortunately on Saturday it warmed up and the snow started to melt. Phil’s sister Roz came up on Saturday and Phil and Roz spent a fair bit of the day doing Christmas shopping. While they were doing Christmas shopping, in the afternoon I popped in to the London Camera Exchange in town and bought myself a new camera. I’ve been talking about getting one for a while now, and I eventually decided to bite the bullet and splash out. It’s a Sony NEX-5, which is a proper Digital SLR. I will post up about it here in due course, but suffice it to say that I’ve been using it for the past few days and have been very happy with it 🙂 You can see the results of what I’ve been doing on Flickr, although don’t look too closely just yet! – I feel like I’ve not really got to grips with the camera just yet, one day soon I’m just going to take a while and sit down with the manual, try to work things all out.

On Saturday evening we went round to AJ and Jen’s house for a games night. It was a really nice evening – I don’t think I’ve laughed so much in one evening in ages! We met one of Jen’s friends from uni (Claire), and had great fun playing Uno, and Metro (which is a good game I’ll have to blog about some time), and Family Fortunes. And just chatting and listening to Christmas tunes. So I hope that’s an evening we can repeat sometime soon!

On Sunday we went to the Eight Ash Green service in the morning, then came back home for lunch. Did a bit of Moore Course studying in the afternoon, then in the evening went out to Sunday@6. I was leading the music – I felt like we were a bit under-prepared for it but in general it seemed to go pretty well.

Anyway, that’s pretty much our weekend. Yesterday night, Phil was out at a PCC meeting so I stayed in and basically finished off the essay I have to hand in to the diocese: they’ve asked me to write an essay about ministry in the Church of England and how I might fulfil that responsibility, so I’ve been spending quite a bit of time on that recently. It has to be in next week, but as I’m pretty much done that’s not a problem now!

Right, think that’s pretty much everything. All for now…


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