Organised for once…

Well I’m being organised for once and writing this “the weekend” post shortly after the weekend has actually finished! I was going to go mad and do it last night but I was watching Top Gear and didn’t want to compose this post on my phone.

Aaanyway, this weekend we did the usual stuff – as in, 21 on Friday night, shopping on Saturday morning. We also had someone come round to look at fencing (not the thing with swords, our back fence is basically being held up by the shed and we need to have it replaced). In the afternoon we went out to watch “The King’s Speech”, which was a great film.

I said to Phil on our way out, it’s rare to see a film where they pitch everything just about perfectly. The story, the pace, the script, the acting, etc — it was all just… really nice. Tremendously enjoyable film and Phil and I both loved it. I’d recommend it to anyone to go and see, if you like a good story you will enjoy it. I think it is only improved by the fact that it is actually a true story! – I had no idea King George had speech problems (I’m not giving away anything by saying that…)

Anyway, after going to the cinema (and paying an exorbitant price for the tickets, which reminded me why we don’t go to the cinema that often), we came back home and had dinner and generally chilled out for the evening. (Speaking of films and things, I should mention we were so impressed by Speed Racer last week I have ordered the Blu-Ray. You can hardly go wrong for a tenner!)

On Sunday morning we went to church, and then were invited round to Chris and Ruth’s house for dinner. Chris and Eleanor were also there, we haven’t seen them since before their wedding last August, so it was really nice to catch up. Afterwards we went out again to Sunday@6, and then came back home and finished off the evening watching Top Gear.


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