Half Term

Just a quick update to say that it’s half term this week. After lunch on Friday, Phil and I drove back to Colchester, and that’s where we’ve been ever since. (Well, sort of.)

Phil’s sister Roz and her husband Matt joined us on Friday night – they were going to a wedding on Saturday nearby so they stayed a couple of nights with us. Our Saturday was pretty quiet though – in the morning we spent a bit of time shopping. One of the slightly odd things about living in London is that it’s actually harder to shop: in Colchester, we have pretty much everything we need in the town centre. In East Barnet, if you want to find (for example) a Debenhams, you have to travel a bit. Not that it’s really a problem, but still.

Anyway, in the afternoon we went for a walk around Highwoods, which was looking beautiful in the autumn sunshine, and then went round to see Anne-Marie and watch Merlin. Although it doesn’t feel like all that long since we were here last it was good to catch up!

On Sunday we went to Fordham in the morning, and spent some time after the service chatting to people who we hadn’t seen since August. Afterwards we went round to AJ and Jen’s with Roz and Matt for lunch (James, Tash and Jake came as well). Anyway it was a really good afternoon catching up and chatting! After that we went to Sunday@6, where I was roped into playing (not totally against my will!), it was quite strange actually – felt like normal really, even though it’s not really normal anymore!

So in general it’s been a nice weekend. Today Phil and I went over to Ipswich to see my parents and sister. Tomorrow I’m heading back to our London house (ha! That sounds so posh), and then I’m going to have three full days to get on with some work and hopefully finish my cultural exegesis essay. So now you know…


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