Easter Break

As I’ve mentioned before on this blog, the term system at Oak Hill is a bit strange. Last week was the final week of this half of the third term… we’ve got six more weeks after Easter, then exams, then that’s it for the year. Three weeks into the new term and I’m beginning to feel the strain: I spent most of the week off we had between terms working, and it feels like I haven’t really stopped since Christmas. I have to say, working life was a lot less stressful than college life: there’s much more pressure in terms of deadlines etc at college! And you have to manage your own time more, whereas at work I had a project manager to do that for me (to an extent).

The past few weeks have flown by, at any rate. We’ve been back to Colchester a couple of times, including going to Sunday@6 last Sunday to see the new vicar at Fordham do his first (evening) sermon. We will be spending Easter weekend back there too – speaking of  which, we now have three weeks off! I say three weeks off, it’s not really – as of tomorrow I will be spending seven days up near Stoke-on-Trent, doing a mission week with a team of fellow college people. I’m a bit apprehensive about it, as it’s something of an unknown quantity – but at the same time, I’m sure it will be good fun once we get there.

Anyway, this post was just to say I may not be around too much over the next week or so, but hopefully the Internet will survive without me. Just.


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