Mainly because I haven’t gone to bed yet. Looking at the time signature you will see that I have posted this just after midnight… anyway. What have I been up to since this afternoon? Not much really.
At 3:00 (well, it was more like 3:15, but hey, who’s being pedantic about detail?) I went for a drink with Naomi. Then I went to Fresher Phil’s for a while, had dinner at Sizzlers, went to CU (Keith Ponsford talking from Romans 3 about us all being sinners and saved by grace); then went t’Top Bar for a drink and pool.
That is my day summarised in a few short paragraphs!
For those of you who read this for my interesting and witty comments… sorry, there are none at the moment. Only that Fresher Phil (aka Phil Price, the mad welshman) might be joining the team who write for the MooseBlog. Oh, the fun!
Incidentally, if you haven’t already, check out — especially the Blode Animations. Watch them all, in sequence. They have achieved almost cult status amongst certain people here…
Thankyou, and good night.
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