Blog Troubles!

Hmmmm. For some reason, Blogger appears to be a bit on/off at the moment. Apologies for not posting anything yesterday, but it was rather busy as you will see!

In the morning, the Essex CU Committee met up to discuss the future of the CU (amongst other things). We went to St Botolph’s Church. I’m really pleased with how it went! We had lots of ideas and lots of discussion, and I have to say I’m very excited about the future. This verse just kind of struck me as being appropriate:

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it” (Isaiah 43:18-19)

So that’s cool 🙂 Then in the evening, it was off to Simon’s birthday party at Wrabness village hall. I may have some pictures coming up of it later, and I expect Simon shall post some up on his site!

It was good though! I DJd for the first hour (7:30-8:30ish), then Foz came on, then for the last half hour or so James Mountford played. All in all it was a really good evening, if a bit hot! I think I spent quite a bit of time outside as well as on the dancefloor…

This morning I went to Fordham as usual. Afterwards we (the student contingency at Fordham, less Julie and Becca) went to the Neville’s for dinner. It was lovely! Home-made lasagne, no less. I enjoyed it! Sitting out int he sun was great — although that always makes me feel a bit lethargic and apathetic (so no different from usual then…)

Came back home about 3:00, and since haven’t done much. I tried to make a bit of a drum’n’bass mix, but I’m just listening through it again and I think I’ve got quite a lot of work to do before I can be a good dnb DJ 😉

I’m going to Gen:Y tonight. It should be quite good, hopefully… I went there once before about this time last year and it wasn’t too bad.

And I think that’s about it! *phew*! Might possibly have some pics up later. Keep ’em peeled (your onions, that is.)


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