Well, that was a fairly busy Sunday! This morning I went to Fordham as usual. It will probably be my last time there for a couple of months! But it was a good service, I enjoyed it. The passage was on Romans 13 — submission to the authorities! It really helped to make things clearer.

Afterwards it was off to Wrabness to have lunch with Simon, Foz, Liz, Katie and Naomi. It was a really good afternoon, we spent time chatting and went out on a boat belonging to one of Simon’s cousins. Although we very nearly ran out of petrol (well, we did, then there was some more in the reserve tank, ran out again, then there was some more…) it was still an enjoyable experience!

Afterwards, I went with Foz to “Kube” which is a Sound-nation style cafe for young people in the Hythe area. It’s run at the community centre. Me, Foz and Andy (from the DJ Workshops) DJd for a while, good stuff!

After that, Foz came back for a while, then I watched a DVD (“Top Secret”, one of the ones I bought the other day). Right, that’s just about it… I think I’m going to go to bed now! I’m very tired…


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