Damn! He’s sussed me…

I was reading Simon‘s diary, and he said that I hadn’t mentioned going to the cinema with him last Friday to see “The Hulk”. The reason was, Simon, like you mentioned I still owe you money — I was trying to get away with not paying ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’ll give it to you next time I see you. Although the next time you read my blog, this will probably be off the page …

Didn’t do much today, apart from go into town to collect my copy of “Victory Over the Darkness” which arrived at the bookshop today! I’ve started reading it, it’s really very good. I’ve definitely got some good ideas for my talk at CU next term ๐Ÿ™‚ And my copy of Family Guy Season 3 DVD should arrive tomorrow! Yay! That’s a day gone ๐Ÿ˜‰


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