
Just a quick update tonight, I think. Right. Yesterday. Church in the morning. Julie and Mark and the children came up for lunch, and stayed the night. We played some games, unwrapped presents, watched “Only Fools and Horses” Christmas Special… nothing to speak of really!

Today Julie, Mark and the kids went home, Maureen’s going home tomorrow… we went out for a walk… had lunch… I finished off “The Problem of Pain” (a very good book, excellent, although a little heavy-going in places)… we had dinner… I went for a walk on my own… we watched some TV… not a very exciting day!

I’m going to go into town tomorrow and acquire for myself some Precious Things. i.e., have a look round at all the bargain DVDs and see if I can pick any good ones up! Possibly some new trousers as well, in the sales. I’m in a bit of a random mood, so I’m going to watch an Episode of Spaced, to keep up the university tradition. See you later!


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