Good afternoon!

I hope that you are well. I am well, but just a little depressed. I had a CC362 Mobile Robots lab this afternoon (2-4), and it just served to remind me of how much I hate Saphira and the Pioneer robots. They are stupid. I hate programming in C, I hate those robots, I hate this course, and in general this university. Couple that with the fact that I’ve just spent the past hour doing some (not very successful) research on Java, and it won’t take a rocket scientist to realise that I am not in the most positive of moods today!

Still. Yesterday was good. I went to Fordham in the morning (as per usual). It was a good service, apart from the fact that the church was so incredibly cold! The heating wouldn’t turn on until about half-way through the sermon, so we had to just sit there and huddle down into our coats. Anyway, afterwards I came home and had some lunch, and then did an hour’s show on DJ Source Radio. That went quite well apart from difficulty with levels and my computer crashing half-way through!

Afterwards, I prepared my fusion group. In the evening, I went to the quiz in the SU Bar with Alex, Anne-Marie and Paul, and quite a few other random people came as well (Gemma, Matthew, Toyen, Chris and another guy who I can’t remember the name of). That was good fun, although we didn’t win! And had to stand up all evening, because there were no seats available.

I’ve already told you about my incredibly successful day today; the only thing to add to that is I came in for chaplaincy lunch at 1:00 (which was nice). This evening, I’m going to Philippa’s with Gemma and Paul, and then we’re going to go down to Level 2 for RED‘s event. I won’t be staying too long as I have a 9:00 tomorrow (and given the day that I’ve had I don’t anticipate enjoying it much, I think I’d just rather lay down and die in a dark corner somewhere) but I was coerced into going by Andy C …

I think I might go and take a walk now, it’s getting rather depressing just sitting in this lab, not getting anywhere. See you later…


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