Right then

What have I been doing with myself? Not a lot, to be honest. Sunday: went to Fordham in the morning; in the afternoon prepared Fusion for this week, went onto campus for an event called ‘too many DJs’. I got to DJ at the beginning and at the end. It’s all good fun!

Yesterday… I went onto campus for chaplaincy lunch, then I had my 2-4 robotics lab (that was actually quite good for a change — taught us how to use the vision system on the pioneer robots, and now means that I’m slightly more able to complete the assignent than I was before…). And, um, yeah — that’s just about it for the day. In the evening we went to the pub and then watched ‘Terminator 2’ — quite a good film, actually! If that’s your sort of thing…

Today, I came onto campus for my 9:00 meeting about the final year project. I’m actually not doing too badly on the whole project schedule; whilst I probably could be further on in general terms the coding is getting there and I’m beginning to reach a position where I’d be happy to leave it. Anyway. I basically spent the whole day in csclab5, just working on the coding… my brain is pretty fried now, I can tell you! I’ve just had a CC371 class as well, which hasn’t helped. I think I might give CU a miss tonight, I don’t really feel up to it! Would be nice just to spend the night at home and chill.

Ah well. I think that’s just about it for now; I’ll update again when I can be bothered…


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