And again.

Another quick update (I’m trying to be good and update more regularly…)

I have nearly finished my final year project! In that, I’ve pretty much done every section except for the conclusions chapter. Of course, there’s still a lot of work to do in terms of going through, checking I haven’t missed anything out, and just in general making sure that it’s all correct but other than that — woo-hoo!!!

So that’s what I’ve been doing today. As well as my Middleware test… it turned out to actually be OK. Well, it didn’t seem too hard as I was doing it… usually when I get that feeling about exams I haven’t done badly (if I think I’ve done badly I usually have). I’ll probably go to CU this evening. A few new records arrived this morning but unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to listen to them before I left the house. I’m looking forward to listening to them when I get back though, I’ve got a Gabriel & Dresden remix of Sarah McLachlan – ‘Fallen’ (I think that’s the title), that ought to be good!

Right then. Time to get something to eat methinks. Later…


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