Well, it’s handed in

I handed it in yesterday! That was a good feeling ๐Ÿ™‚ Now it’s just a matter of doing my Formal Methods assignment (which is very nearly completed) and my Mobile Robotics assignment (getting there slowly… but that doesn’t have to be in until after Easter).

Anyway, what have I been up to? The answer to that question is – not a whole lot. Yesterday I came onto campus for bar breakfast at 10:00, then went to the robotics lab to work on my assignment, then at 3 met up with Philippa for an hour, then went back home and… well, didn’t do much for the rest of the day. I didn’t go to the CU Social, although apparently it was good (they went to ‘Go Bananas’, a kids place…).

Today, I had lunch and then came onto campus with Naomi. Someone’s doing a Monty Python show in June and needed people for it, so I went to an audition. It was quite fun actually, had to do a silly walk and sing the first verse of the Lumberjack Song which was fun! I have a few parts, which is cool ๐Ÿ™‚

And now I’m in the chaplaincy updating my blog. I was going to work on my Formal Methods, but unfortunately I left it at home (D’oh!!!). I could do some robotics, but it doesn’t seem worth it for an hour. Ah well, c’est la vie. Or something. For fusion this evening we’re just going to have a prayer meeting, it probably won’t last for very long. And then I might go round to Philippa’s for a hot chocolate or something; I don’t know. It’s all good. Unless it’s bad…

Feeling a bit apathetic at the moment, now that my project is over and done with I don’t really have anything to do! (Apart from aforementioned assignments). Oh well, that’s just life I suppose. I might go for a wander around the lake, it’s been such a beautiful day. I’ll leave it there; ta ta for now…


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