General Stuff And Things

Yes. I haven’t been doing very much recently (hence why I’ve not been posting much here!). On Monday I went out with my parents to Rendlesham Forest for a walk, and then we went into Woodbridge for an ice-cream before heading back home.

Today, Kevvy B came down from Norwich. We went for lunch at the Golden Lion in town, before doing a bit of shopping (I bought some new shoes, and Kev bought a new jacket), and then went to the cinema to see Dodgeball. I’d heard some positive reviews of it, and I like Ben Stiller stuff in general, so I thought it would be good! I wasn’t disappointed. It was probably the funniest Ben Stiller film I’ve ever seen, and definitely one of the funniest films to come out in recent months. I’d recommend it to anyone! It’s definitely a film that I will be seeing when it comes out on DVD, that’s for sure!

Speaking of which, Shaun of the Dead is coming out on DVD next Monday. I’ve got my copy on order from And speaking of ordering things from the internet, I ordered some records yesterday which arrived this morning. So I’ll have to do some DJing soon ๐Ÿ™‚

I’ve also been doing a bit of writing — I’ve started on a Goon Show script. If you don’t know what the Goon Show is (or rather, was) – don’t ask! I was just talking to Matthew last night, and it sparked off the idea. I’ll probably upload it to my page on FictionPress when it’s finished. If it gets finished (hmmm…)

Incidentally, I have finished reading “Not Evangelical Enough”, edited by Iain Taylor. It’s a very good book, and I can thoroughly recommend it to anyone who would call themselves an evangelical Christian! It’s all about keeping the gospel at the centre, and it’s quite challenging ๐Ÿ™‚

Right, I think that’s about it from me. All for now…


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