Fedora Core and WLAN

Guess what? I’m currently writing this blog entry on (wait for it…) Fedora Core! I managed to get it all working ๐Ÿ™‚

If anyone wants me to give them a hand with loading Linux drivers for wireless cards now, then give me a shout. Basically, you need to use ndiswrapper. To the unitiated (like me) it looks a bit intimidating, but it wasn’t too bad in the end. Yay for the wireless network game…

Yesterday, I went to the wedding of a couple of good friends of mine, Chris and Louise. I really enjoyed it! The service was good, and the reception, and it was great to see them (and lots of other friends from Essex) — some who I hadn’t seen in a long time!

So that was good. This evening I’m probably going to hear the University of Essex Choir sing at charter hall, Colchester. Philippa sings in the choir, and she gave me tickets for Christmas ๐Ÿ™‚

That’s all for now. I’ll leave you now, and go and play around with Linux… ๐Ÿ˜‰


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