Hitchhiker’s on Friday!

I’m going to see the new “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” film on Friday! Yay! I’m really looking forward to it – I’m a huge fan of the original radio series and books, and I think this new one has done justice to the original from what I’ve heard ๐Ÿ™‚

Also the new Star Wars film is coming out soon, the trailers for that look really good (having said that, the trailers for Episodes I and II looked pretty good as well. Nothing beats the original trilogy).

Last night I went over to Colchester. I had dinner with Philippa, and then we went onto campus for a walk and then met up with Alex and Ellie for a drink. Congrats to Alex for getting the new ChapAss position, by the way!

Also, I have some news re: cars – I’ve agreed to buy Paul’s car! He wanted to get rid of it because he didn’t really need it (he walks into town for work) so from roughly the beginning of June it will be mine. That’s very good news for me – I’m getting fed up of my old car!

Anyway, I think that’s about all for now. I might not post much until next week as it’s bank holiday weekend, and I’ll be spending most of the weekend in Colchester…


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