Witham is cursed!

Well, it seems that Witham railway station (on the line between Colchester and Chelmsford I think) is jinxed, or something. Last Friday, I left work a bit early to go down to London. The DJ Source forums (which I frequent) were having an event down there, so I went along with Philippa, Foz, and one of Foz’s friends. The plan was to meet up with Philippa in London a bit early, meet Foz at his place and go from there. We could have been at the Medicine Bar by 9:00 – and got free entry.

Unfortunately, that would have been far too easy.

When I got to Witham, the train stopped (it wasn’t supposed to stop at Witham). This was a bit strange, I thought… anyway, long story short, we were kept waiting for just under an hour and a half. No exaggerating. This not only inconvenienced me, it meant that Philippa was waiting for two hours at Liverpool St station! I thought I’d left plenty of time, but obviously not… I got to the Medicine Bar about 10:00, after stopping off for some food. Needless to say, I will be voicing my concern to One Railway about this!

Incidentally, the reason for me thinking Witham is cursed – I was on my way back to Ipswich today, and the train was late at Witham because of a failed earlier train! What is wrong with that station?! I’ve never had any problems there before!

Anyway. The weekend was good! The event itself was very enjoyable, good to meet a few people in person. On Saturday, Philippa and I went out for dinner as it was the birthday of a friend of hers. It was a really enjoyable meal, I’d recommend the place but I can’t actually remember what it’s called (it’s near London Bridge station).

Oh, and I just have to give an honorable mention to Doctor Who: because we were out last night, we recorded it and watched it this morning. I really liked the whole “45 seconds” thing – were they making a dig at anyone, I wonder? 😉

All for now.


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