Well, the weekend seems such a long time ago! Let’s try and think back… on Friday evening, Philippa came round, and we went for a walk. Or something, I can’t remember. On Saturday, I didn’t do much… in the evening, we went for a BBQ by the lakes at the university with a couple of Philippa’s friends. It was really good actually! After the initial shower, it stayed dry which was good 🙂 And we had a great time.
On Sunday I went to Fordham in the morning, which was really good. Andy Saville was preaching on Proverbs, bit of a coincidence because I’ve been reading through Proverbs recently!
Afterwards, Philippa and I went to the Black Buoy for lunch – ’twas lovely! And afterwards went for a walk along the riverside, it was a beautiful day. And in the evening, Philippa and Luci came round and we had a pizza and watched “Monty Python’s Life of Brian”.
Not much else to say without boring you to death, so I’ll leave it there…
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