Of Python and Pete Tong

Um, well, I’m not really sure that’s an appropriate title, but it is sort of, and it’s alliterative, which is always a plus. What have I been up to this weekend? On Friday, Philippa came round in the evening and we had dinner before going to the “What?” bar for a couple of drinks. I had a rather interesting white beer called Hoegaarden (I think it’s Belgian). It was pretty expensive though, so I don’t think it’s one that I’ll be having too often! Quite nice though – not your average beer, it’s always good to have something a bit different. Makes a difference to what I normally have (Strongbow – I’m not a huge fan of lager and in a lot of bars they don’t have any ales).

On Saturday morning I went to Asda — oh, the excitement! — and in the evening Philippa and I rented out “It’s All Gone Pete Tong” from the local Blockbuster. It’s actually a very good film – I thought it was about clubbing / dance music, but in a sense that is only peripheral to the story. It’s more about someone struggling to overcome a disability. Quite uplifting actually, although you have to bear with it because it gets a bit dark in the middle (as uplifting stories tend to, when the main protagonist suffers from (insert something to suffer from here)). Incidentally, if you decide to watch it – remember that despite the message at the start saying that it’s based on a true story, it’s fictional!

Yesterday, I went to Fordham in the morning, spent most of yesterday afternoon working on this site, and then in the evening had a few people round (Philippa, Matthew, Ellie, Anne-Marie, Alex, Chris J) to have some pizza and watch a random episode of Monty Python and some other Weird Al music videos and MTV movie award spoofs and, uh, stuff and things. Good fun!

This morning it was cold, dark and rainy outside… I was really tired when I woke up – I’m looking forward to next weekend when we get an extra hour!


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