Ah, the good ol’ days…

Last night I went out for dinner with a whole bunch of people. Philippa’s sister Roz is staying for a couple of days, and Phil wanted her to meet some of our friends so invited a few people out for dinner. We all went down to the Playhouse (steak night!). Anne-Marie, Phil, Roz and I arrived at the Playhouse around 6:30 or a bit later, and Alex, Richard and Matthew arrived a bit later on.

I really enjoyed it … it was quite strange thinking, though, that only two people at the table were students (Richard and Roz). I’m really glad that I’m still around to be in touch with people – even though we’re not students anymore!

And, um, that’s about it. I haven’t been up to anything else that’s particularly interesting. Or, for that matter, anything much at all really…


2 responses to “Ah, the good ol’ days…”

  1. Don’t remind me!! AM’s twenty-something comments are becoming a bit too real…

  2. Only wish I could have been there! Manchester is great and I’m absolutely loving my job but I miss all you Essex Uni guys … Randomness levels are ok here but I still get far too many strange looks!

    Must try harder with the Reunion efforts … otherwise it’s all rather dependent on people getting married!

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