Bye bye Crossring

Well, I finally sent my e-mail of resignation to Zeth (managing editor of Crossring) yesterday. It was a sad moment, and one that marks the end of an era. I joined Crossring a few years ago as the web assistant, and have been looking after the site ever since!

I think one of the main reasons I have for leaving is the fact that I’m now working in the computer industry, and it’s just too much to do that and then come back home and work on a site. Working on a website that’s already set up is one thing, trying to build a site like Crossring (which involves quite a lot of work) is another.

Speaking of sites that are already built, however – I did agree to oversee the Fordham Church website. It’s using a Content Management System which was already set up… having said that, it doesn’t seem to like Linux / Firefox! I tried updating it yesterday and nothing happened. Ah well, c’est la vie…


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