The Weekend

Ok, so, what did I get up to this weekend? Let me try and remember… on Friday evening, Philippa and I went to the Rover’s Tye and met up with Sarah, Jon, Naomi, Luke, Sarah, Matthew, Simon and Kerry as Naomi was up for the weekend. That was a good evening, actually – it was nice to spend an evening with some of the people who I know well from university – reminded me of old times!

On Saturday afternoon, I went into town with Philippa and we bought a DVD player ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s not a DVD recorder, it’s just a standard DVD player – I thought about getting a recorder, but thinking about the number of times I’ve watched TV over the past few months it probably wouldn’t be worth it! Afterwards, we popped into Peter and Martina’s house for a house-warming party. We played “Psychiatrist”, which is a very funny game if you get into it! And on Saturday evening we watched “Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope”, as I bought the trilogy on DVD a couple of weeks ago.

On Sunday I went to church in the morning (as per usual). Afterwards, Chris Illingworth invited me to dinner along with Simon, Jon & Sarah and Ben. That was a really good time – two in a weekend! That’s almost unheard of ๐Ÿ˜‰

Afterwards, Philippa came round for a bit before going to see Harry Potter with Paul, and I spent most of the evening trying to get my old computer ready for Freevo… rather unsuccessfully, I might add! It didn’t help matters that the internet was out for the whole evening, but still…


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