The Holiday

The time has come to write about what we got up to on holiday. The slight problem with that is, (1) I can’t actually remember everything; (2) we went on a lot of walks which – while they were nice – aren’t necessarily good to write about.

So, um, here we go. We set off on Friday, 18th August, and stayed overnight at the Kettering Travelodge… the next morning we travelled the rest of the way to where we were staying, near Ambleside. The place itself was lovely – it was situated in a little “holiday village” with chalets set on a hillside amongst trees. We were surprised with how busy Ambleside was – it always seemed to be full of people! I think when we next go on holiday in the Lake District, it would be good to stay in a place which is a bit more out of the way. On the first Sunday we went to the parish church in Ambleside, the name of which temporarily escapes me…

And, um, that will set the tone for the rest of this blog entry! We went on quite a few walks, and saw some very beautiful views. I’ve still got to upload the photos but I will post here when I do. The walks included Windermere (Bowness actually), Hawkshead, Coniston, Troutbeck, Tarn Hows, Elterwater… and some other places which I can’t remember.

We also dined in a few good places; if you’re up in the Lakes and want somewhere to eat, we can recommend the Skelwith Bridge Hotel (also known as “The Talbot”) at Skelwith Bridge (this was our local pub); the Tagore Indian restuarant in Ambleside (we had a very good curry there); the Black Bull at Coniston; the Wainwright Inn at Chapel Stile… aaaaaand, a few other places 🙂

We went to Sizergh castle with Phil’s parents, as they were staying not too far away from us. It was very interesting to look around. It’s a National Trust property, but it’s actually inhabited some of the time (when the visitors aren’t around!). If you’re interested in looking around some older stately homes / castles, then I’m sure you’d enjoy looking around Sizergh Castle!

Right, I think that’s just about everything. As for the weekend… I went round to Alex’s on Saturday night and we went to the chippie & pub, then watched most of “The IT Crowd”, which was very funny. Alex came round last night, and we rented a DVD (“A Cock and Bull Story” with Steve Coogan)… it was a very interesting film, quite off-beat and very original! It’s not laugh-out-loud funny but it was very amusing in places.

Right, I think that’s all from me for the being. Over and out!


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