Upgraded to Ubuntu 6.10

Just a quick post to say that I have finally got around to upgrading to Ubuntu 6.10. When I say “finally got around to”, I really mean, “Finally got the flipping thing to work!”

It just kept failing with a message saying that the bzip process had failed… it turns out this was because I had some dodgy archives in my sources.list (when I say ‘dodgy’, no, I don’t mean that kind of dodgy!). All I had to do was copy over a ‘clean’ sources.list and it started working fine (I got the clean sources.list from the Ubuntu Forums).

It turns out that quite a few people have had problems with upgrading, but now that I’m over that initial problem, everything seems to be working fine for me! It’s using a newer version of Gnome, which means that it looks nicer, and it does load up faster!

Anyway, that’s all from me… I’ll update if I have any more problems ๐Ÿ™‚


One response to “Upgraded to Ubuntu 6.10”

  1. Yet another reason why I like PCLinuxOS. I take version .71 from 2003 and can upgrade to current with no problems. ๐Ÿ˜€ Very choice. Glad you got it working ๐Ÿ™‚

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